
Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients

Kateryna YagovychFood
What salad to cook with liver. Source: pixabay.com

You can make a very basic salad from such a nutritious and versatile product as liver. For this salad, you need only 5 available ingredients. The dish is ideal for a festive table and just for a snack.

The idea of making an elementary salad with liver was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Lilia with the nickname twins.mom.8. It turns out to be very healthy, because the dish is seasoned with sour cream.

Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients


  • chicken or beef liver - 300 grams
  • onions - 2 medium
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • pickles - 4-5 pieces
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp.

Method of preparation:

Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients

1. Prepare the liver in a convenient way (you can boil, stew, bake).

2. Chop the onion (cut half into 3 parts and chop).

Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients

3. Grate the carrots finely.

4. Fry the vegetables in a drop of oil until tender.

5. When everything has cooled down, cut the liver and cucumbers into strips, combine with the vegetables and season.

Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients

6. In the original, the salad is dressed with mayonnaise. Children can make it without cucumber.

Elementary liver salad with sour cream: you need only 5 ingredients

You can also find recipes on OBOZ.UA:

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