
Cold tomato soup in 10 minutes: you need 3 ingredients

Tetiana KoziukFood
Cold tomato soup recipe. Source: Pexels

Cold tomato soup is a great alternative to the usual okroshka or cold borscht. To prepare this first course, you need only three main ingredients and only 10 minutes of free time. It's easy, fresh and satisfying.

Food blogger Oleksiy Kryuchkov (kruchkov) shared a recipe for cold tomato soup on his Instagram page.

Recipe for cold tomato soup


  • tomatoes
  • sour cream
  • greens
  • salt, pepper
First courses with tomatoes

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces. Salt and leave for a while to let the juice flow.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Beat sour cream and herbs in a blender until smooth.

Cold tomato soup instead of okroshka

3. Mix the tomatoes and the filling.

4. Serve the soup with greens.

Cold first courses

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