
The network recalled a video of Oleh Vynnyk calling for peace with Russia and filming with Russian Putinist stars

The network recalled a video of Oleh Vynnyk calling for peace with Russia

After the famous singer Oleh Vynnyk decided to return to Ukrainian showbiz by releasing a song dedicated to Flag Day, My People, the Internet recalled a video in which the artist called on his compatriots to reconcile with Russia. 5 years ago, he took part in a project of the aggressor country, which was supposed to help overcome obstacles that "hinder peaceful affairs."

The performer openly said that he did not see any problem in working together with Putinist stars because he needed to "look at things differently." The video with the ambiguous position of the favorite of the "wolves" was recalled by Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova.

After the start of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, Oleh Vynnyk decided to become a "dove of peace" to help citizens of the two warring states reach an understanding. The 51-year-old artist did not see any problem in participating in such a project.

"You know, these are the things that we are focusing on today: Russia-Ukraine, it interferes with peaceful affairs," the artist said.

At the same time, in a commentary for a TV channel, Oleh Vynnyk noted that he saw no point in focusing on specific territories, as attention should be focused on the Motherland as a whole.

"What is more expensive: Crimea, Donbas or Ukraine? Why do we divide? Why do we emphasize certain things? I don't believe that Crimea was taken away and is more valuable than anything else: the lives and fates of our compatriots. Tens of thousands of people have died in this incomprehensible war called the ATO, and there is no end to it yet," the singer added.

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