
Simple space-saving smart tricks

You do not need to spend a lot of money on them

Interior designer Kristen McGowan from the U.S. shared her tips for saving space in a small home. According to her, they will allow the house to "work" for the owners without requiring a lot of investment. In particular, the expert proves that the house can be well organized regardless of the area.

On her YouTube channel, McGowan posted a video in which she showed and talked in detail about how to save space with simple tricks. She recommends the use of cheap organizing smart tricks, such as mug hooks, and more. The designer claims that this will make the space neater and maximize it (to see the video, scroll to the end of the page).

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/22/1222.png", "imgWidth":447, "imgHeight":304, "title": "Kristen McGowan found a way to save space.", "sourceTxt": "Screenshot", "alt":"\n\n"}

The first tip of the day is to buy some retractable mug hooks inside the kitchen cabinet. This trick provides more space for bowls or plates while keeping mugs out of sight. It's especially handy for renters.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/22/1356.png", "imgWidth":568, "imgHeight":334, "title": "Kristen McGowan recommends hanging cups on hooks.", "sourceTxt": "screenshot", "alt":"\n\n"}

The second tip is good for a small kitchen. It's worth buying a compact cutlery organizer to put dishes and cutlery in one drawer, as items on the countertop can look cluttered, especially in a small space.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/22/6543.png", "imgWidth":570, "imgHeight":347, "title": "Kristen McGowan Advises Using Kitchen Organizers.", "sourceTxt": "Screenshot", "alt":"\n"}

Another effective way to organize the kitchen is to use baskets under the shelves in the refrigerator. This way it will be easier to find the food you need.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/22/654398765.png", "imgWidth":560, "imgHeight":355, "title": "Kristen McGowan{"extends\the refrigerator with baskets.", "sourceTxt": "screenshot", "alt":"\n\n"}

Drying laundry will be handy on a tension rod, which you can hang items almost anywhere and won't have to drill holes in the walls. It would also be good for storing cleaning supplies under the sink.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/2/22/2414.png", "imgWidth":553, "imgHeight":359, "title": "Kristen McGowan hangs board on hooks on door.", "sourceTxt": "Screenshot", "alt":"\nHeight"}

The ironing board can be stored on door hooks, and thin velvet hangers rather than plastic ones can help add space in the closet. The former save space.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, Glasgow resident Alix Brine has invented a new method for drying laundry quickly, which consists of creating a pocket of hot air. This allows things to become dry in just two hours.

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