
Love Island star almost died of an allergy attack on board an Emirates flight: it led to a high-profile scandal

The actor of the reality show Love Island almost died of an allergy attack on board an Emirates plane

Jack Fowler, the star of the British reality TV show Love Island, nearly died on an Emirates airplane en route to Dubai, UAE. He had an allergic reaction to nuts after asking a flight attendant for lunch. The employee assured him that this product was not in the menu, but it turned out that it was.

The actor was rushed to the hospital after landing, which saved his life. Fowler was outraged about the negligent attitude of the airline's conductors towards passengers. He talked about this on Instagram. Emirates did not comment on the situation.

"I recently flew with Emirates Airline where I was given a cashew nut. I made my flight attendant aware of my nut allergy twice before being given a chicken curry. I wasn’t given a menu to choose from, instead I was asked directly if I wanted chicken or fish. I opted for the chicken. When I received the meal I asked the same flight attendant again to make sure, and again was told that it does not have nuts included. Trusting my flight attendant, I began to eat the chicken curry. Immediately my throat closed up and breathing became extremely difficult," Fowler said.

After the reaction began, the man told the flight attendant that he could not breathe, but then again they tried to assure him that there were no nuts in the dish.

His friend demanded to see the in-flight food menu and discovered that the chicken curry did indeed contain cashew nuts.

Later, the man received medical care: they brought oxygen tanks and injected him with adrenaline. Because of the risk of death, the plane arrived at its destination ahead of schedule.

"This left me with the real possibility of dying on the plane, as I knew I needed emergency treatment immediately. I was given five tanks of oxygen, as well as administering my Adrenaline Pen (EpiPen). I told the flight supervisor, ‘If you don’t land this plane soon, I will die on this plane," he continued. That made the pilot to "speed up the journey."

Upon arrival, Jack Fowler was taken to a hospital in Dubai, where his condition was stabilized.

"@emirates it is not good enough. I’m lucky to be able to have a platform to make as many people aware of your complete negligence. You are responsible for your passengers and their safety. Giving a passenger food which they’ve stated TWICE will cause extreme harm is unacceptable," the actor emphasized.

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