
Jamala commented on being put on the wanted list in Russia: the singer's family and children are worried

Jamala comments on being put on the wanted list in Russia

Famous Ukrainian singer of Crimean Tatar origin Jamala reacted to the news from the terrorist country, where she was put on the wanted list. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is searching for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 winner under a criminal article on "spreading fakes about the Russian army."

The People's Artist of Ukraine was not surprised by her new status. Moreover, it confirmed that she is doing the right thing by spreading the truth about the war crimes of the Russian occupiers to the whole world. However, as Jamala admitted to journalists of the British resource Sky News, the news of the Russian wanted list caused her family great concern.

The star commented: "To be honest, nothing surprises me. This is the same method used by Russian propaganda. Lies, lies, lies... It's so stressful for my family, for my parents, my children. And I'm worried about them."

However, the singer is not afraid of either the Russian Interior Ministry or their wanted listings and even teases the Kremlin henchmen a bit, saying how easy it is to find her.

"Three days ago I was in Washington. Five days ago I was in Paris. You know, you can find all the information about me, I broadcast everything on Instagram," the artist added.

As a reminder, Jamala has been on the Russian wanted list since October 2023, and in November, the celebrity was arrested in absentia by a Russian court.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, a well-known Ukrainian TV presenter Masha Yefrosinina was included in the list of terrorists and extremists of the Russian Federation. In addition, the card of the star, who actively tells the world the truth about the crimes of the Russian occupiers in Ukraine, appeared in the search database of the Russian Interior Ministry. 

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