
How to quickly calm down and fall asleep in 10 minutes: a Japanese method that really works

Anna PaskevychEntertainment
This method is similar to rocking a baby

To feel healthy, doctors recommend sleeping at least seven hours a night. Without sleep, a person can live no more than seven days, but health problems start much earlier.

When you can't get to sleep quickly, many people take sleeping pills. But there is another way that allows you to beat insomnia without medication - the so-called Japanese method. Its essence tells OBOZREVATEL.


What is the essence of the Japanese method

If you cannot fall asleep quickly, counting sheep or other animals is unlikely to help: in this case, the brain concentrates on the task and wakes up.

The peculiarity of the Japanese method is that it allows you to fall asleep in just a few minutes. It is also considered safer than taking medication, and even useful, especially for those who suffer from headaches.

The Japanese method is similar to rocking a baby, only in this case you rock yourself.


How to fall asleep quickly using the Japanese method

If you have insomnia, make your bed, but don't lie down right away. First, sit on the edge of the bed so that you are comfortable. Then take a few deep breaths to stabilize your pulse.

Then close your eyes. You can wear a mask if you are used to sleeping in it.

Then start slowly twisting your head from side to side, as if you refuse from something. It is necessary to do 100-150 repetitions.

When you feel a slight dizziness (due to the sharp rush of blood to the head and a more intensive inflow of oxygen), you can go to sleep.

As practice shows, sleep comes very soon.


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