
What does the most popular "artificial" blogger created by AI look like, why people believe in her existence, and how much they pay for advertising

"Artificial" blogger Aitana Lopez has become popular

Content creators have repeatedly used AI (artificial intelligence) to create images of people who do not exist. However, only Aitana Lopez has achieved impressive success, having gained almost 120,000 Instagram followers in 4 months.

According to her fictional biography, the young "artificial" beauty lives in Barcelona and speaks Spanish. She does not exist, but people continue to follow and even compliment the fictional AI girl. The virtual model was created by Barcelona-based communication agency The Clueless, which explained to Oddity Central the secret of the project's success.

The first photo of the unreal model appeared in July this year. The AI depicted a young, athletic, and attractive girl training in a revealing suit.

What does the most popular ''artificial'' blogger created by AI look like, why people believe in her existence, and how much they pay for advertising

Her distinguishing feature is her pink hair. The difference between Aitana and other models is that the AI was not tasked with creating a "licked" image.

If you look closely, the images have wrinkles, folds, redness on the skin, uneven hair color, and other nuances that make the model look more like a real person.

What does the most popular ''artificial'' blogger created by AI look like, why people believe in her existence, and how much they pay for advertising
What does the most popular ''artificial'' blogger created by AI look like, why people believe in her existence, and how much they pay for advertising

Content creators deliberately make photos that are not as perfect as artificial intelligence suggests. This is the secret of the "artificial" social media star's success.

However, even the open information that Aitana does not exist does not prevent advertisers from paying her for her "work." According to media reports, the company's revenue from her page alone exceeds 4000 euros per month.

What does the most popular ''artificial'' blogger created by AI look like, why people believe in her existence, and how much they pay for advertising

Since modern social media stars don't neglect filters, makeup, and Photoshop, Aitana's page looks like any average blog of a beautiful model. It is expected that her subscriptions will only grow.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that artificial intelligence created an image of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi in the Viking times. You can see the photo here.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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