
"Dogs have interesting instincts. Don't they?" It has become known what Elizabeth II thought of Putin during her meeting with him in 2003

It has become known what Elizabeth II said to Putin during his visit to the UK in 2003

The late Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain was always attentive to details. The monarch was not afraid to express her thoughts towards other people, particularly the dictator of the Russian Federation, and her winged phrases immediately occupied the front pages of British newspapers.

The trend has remained even after her death: this week, global news feeds abounded with news of what Elizabeth said after Donald Trump visited Buckingham Palace. Another meme surfaced in the media that involved the Queen and Vladimir Putin, the Daily Mail reports .

''Dogs have interesting instincts. Don't they?'' It has become known what Elizabeth II thought of Putin during her meeting with him in 2003
''Dogs have interesting instincts. Don't they?'' It has become known what Elizabeth II thought of Putin during her meeting with him in 2003

Craig Brown, author of a biography of the late royal entitled "A Journey Around the Queen," recounted an interesting incident that occurred in 2003. British politician David Blunkett, who struggles with visual impairment, told the writer that his assistance dog barked angrily at Vladimir Putin when the Russian was late for a state event. The Briton said he apologized to the Queen, who calmly replied, "Dogs have interesting instincts, don't they?"

''Dogs have interesting instincts. Don't they?'' It has become known what Elizabeth II thought of Putin during her meeting with him in 2003
''Dogs have interesting instincts. Don't they?'' It has become known what Elizabeth II thought of Putin during her meeting with him in 2003

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