
Tons of ammunition destroyed: Ukrainian Navy confirms destruction of chemical warfare depots near Mariupol. Video

Fire and detonation near Mariupol on September 13. Source: UKRAINIAN NAVY

The Ukrainian Navy confirmed the destruction of Russian ammunition depots near the temporarily occupied Mariupol. The defenders launched a missile attack on them on the night of September 13.

The attack destroyed not only tons of ammunition that the occupiers had been stockpiling for attacks on the government-controlled part of Ukraine but also the infrastructure of the storage facilities. This is stated in a statement by the Ukrainian Navy on September 17.

"The other day, units of the Ukrainian Navy launched a missile strike on important ammunition depots discovered by intelligence near the temporarily occupied Mariupol. According to confirmed reports, the strike destroyed both the infrastructure of the storage facilities and tons of ammunition that the invaders were stockpiling for use on the territory of Ukraine," the Navy said.

They also assured that soldiers from the Navy, shoulder to shoulder with their brothers from other components of the Defense Forces, continue to destroy Russian invaders on land, at sea, and in the air.

We would like to remind you that powerful explosions near Mariupol – in the village of Mangush – on the night of September 13 became known in the morning of the same day. After the explosions, a fire broke out there, the flames of which could be seen ten kilometers away. There was also a powerful detonation.

In addition, there were reports of arrivals in the triangle of Portivske, Rybalske and Melekine. Detonations began immediately after the first explosions. The Russians concentrated a significant number of air defense systems there, but they did not help the invaders.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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