
"Atesh" agents conducted reconnaissance of the coast and bays of Sevastopol: what was found out. Photo

Occupants' Coast Guard boats search for maritime drones in empty bays

Agents of the "Atesh" military movement of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars conducted reconnaissance of the coast and bays of occupied Sevastopol. Most of the Russian ships have left the ports of the Ukrainian Crimea captured by the aggressor country, but the occupiers' guard military boats are actively trying to track the possible appearance of marine drones.

This was reported on September 13 by the "Atesh" Telegram channel. A photo of the reconnaissance results was also published.

The movement said that they continue to reveal the defense systems in the occupied Crimea.

"Our agents conducted reconnaissance of the coast and bays of Sevastopol. During the surveillance, it was found that the bays are almost empty, most ships have left the Crimean ports and only occasionally appear in local waters," the statement said.

At the same time, the occupiers' coast guard has been reinforced with military boats that patrol around the clock.

Enemy vessels are actively monitoring the possible appearance of unmanned boats in coastal waters, the guerrillas said. Mobile radars are being deployed on Russian ships.

"Instead of air defense systems on the ships, mobile radars are being actively deployed for protection throughout the peninsula, which are also disclosed by our agents. We are constantly monitoring the situation, and thanks to our work, the defense systems of the occupation forces are losing their effectiveness," "Atesh" said.

As OBOZ.UA wrote, earlier "Atesh" agents discovered an S-300V air defense system near the Chongar bridge. The guerrillas have identified the exact location of the air defense systems protecting the peninsula from the north.

The "Atesh" movement also conducted a successful reconnaissance of the Russian Black Sea Fleet base in the Gagarin district of Sevastopol. As a result, important information was obtained about the movement of equipment and personnel of the Russian military, as well as the activity of enemy units.

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