
AFU destroyed Russian Solntsepek rocket launch system with a precise hit: MP published the video

Ukrainian soldiers destroy a Russian "Solntsepyok" with the help of attack drones

Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Russian Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system. The devastating weapon, which the enemy uses to fire at Ukrainian positions and populated areas, was destroyed near Avdiivka.

To destroy the TOS-1A, the defenders of the 109th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade used attack drones funded by Ukrainians. The destruction was reported by Yehor Firsov, a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 7th and 8th convocations, who is currently defending the country in the ranks of the Defense Forces.

"I hereby report that we have destroyed the enemy's Solntsepek (TOS-1A). It was without a warhead, but it will never work again. We have been dreaming about it for a long time. We have been preparing for a long time. We enjoyed the evening. And now we have to prepare for new operations," Firsov wrote.

He also posted a video of the TOS-1A's destruction. The first drone caught up with the vehicle as it was racing along a field road. The second drone finished off the system after it stopped.

The caption on the video indicates that the funds for the drones that destroyed Russian equipment were donated by Ukrainians through the Kit Muran Foundation. This foundation was founded by Firsov and journalist Denys Kazansky.

"The drones you donated for have destroyed another Solntsepek near Avdiivka! The 109th brigade is working. It was without warheads, so unfortunately there were no bright fireworks this time, but it is no longer fit for combat," the latter said.

The TOS-1A Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system (a Russian continuation of the Soviet-made TOS-1) was developed as a means of destroying lightly armored and automotive vehicles, arson, and the destruction of buildings and structures by a volumetric explosion. These systems are also used by Russians to destroy enemy manpower in fortifications in open terrain.

TOS-1As are particularly dangerous because they destroy targets by exposing them to high temperatures, shrapnel, shock waves, and overpressure when using unguided rockets in thermo-aromatic and smoke-ignition equipment.

In addition to Russia, these systems are in service in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Russia did not sell TOS-1A to Ukraine, but Ukrainian soldiers "arranged supplies" themselves, capturing several units of this weapon during the full-scale war. At least one of them was captured during the liberation of the Kharkiv region: it is now being used by the 1st Mechanized Battalion "Da Vinci Wolves" of the 67th Mechanized Brigade. It is destroying the former owners.

As a reminder, according to Vitaliy Barabash, head of the Avdiivka City Military Administration, the enemy is currently preparing to intensify attacks on the Avdiivka Coke Plant: the third wave of assaults may begin any day now. Meanwhile, the enemy is now sending infantry without equipment to attack.

The day before, on November 2, journalist Yuriy Butusov said that there was a real threat of losing Avdiivka. The situation became more complicated after Russian troops crossed the railroad line near the village of Stepove to the north of Avdiivka and began an assault.

According to him, the enemy is amassing forces and preparing a foothold to attack the Avdiivka Coke Plant. This is a key complex of buildings that controls the approaches to the city, and its capture will mean "a gradual but inevitable withdrawal of defense" and the occupation of Avdiivka.

To prevent the enemy from capturing this city in the Donetsk region, the Ukrainian military command must take measures to stabilize the defense. To do this, Butusov believes, it is necessary, in particular, to "return control of the troops to the south and north of the city to the command of the 110th Brigade," which "is in full control of the situation and responsible for the result."

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