
The traitor of the Ukrainian national football team raised money for the Russian army in the Kursk region

Maksym InshakovSport
The player took part in a "charity auction"

Former Ukraine national team captain Anatoliy Tymoshchuk took part in a Russian military auction. The 45-year-old ex-footballer, who has recently been working as a coach at Zenit, donated his autographed T-shirt.

The outfit was made in olive green and was timed to coincide with the match on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Siege of Leningrad.

In a few days, the clothes were sold for 700,000 rubles (about 312,000 hryvnias). According to the site where the drawing was held, the proceeds will be sent to the Kursk region.

As a reminder, Anatoliy refused to condemn Russia for the attack on Ukraine and only managed to squeeze out a small Instagram story in which he simply called for peace.

In turn, Ukrainian soldiers wiped their feet on Anatoliy's T-shirt. And on Tymoshchuk's birthday , the Lutsk City Council deprived the former Ukrainian national team player of the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City."

UAF stripped Anatoliy Tymoshchuk of all sports awards and titles, and removed him from the official registers of national teams because of his tacit support for the criminal actions of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.

After that, Anatoliy filed a lawsuit against Ukraine with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Switzerland, where he decided to appeal the decision.

In addition, it was reported that Tymoshchuk is trying to obtain a Romanian passport. The Zenit coach is trying to circumvent the sanctions imposed on him by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC).

Earlier, it was reported that the traitor to Ukraine was recruited by the Federal Security Service (FSB), which is the reason for his silence on the war in Ukraine. The ex-footballer's ex-wife, Nadiya Navrotska, accused him of supporting Russia's invasion and involvement in the murders of Ukrainian children.

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