
Famous Russian coach declares Russia's greatness and becomes a laughingstock

Maksym InshakovSport
ISU upholds suspension of Russian athletes from competitions under its auspices

Famous Russian figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova has announced that Russian figure skaters will compete at the 2026 Olympics, despite the fact that the International Skating Union (ISU) Council upheld the suspension of Russian athletes from competitions under its auspices. Tarasova admitted that this is a very difficult situation for Russian sports.

At the same time, the 77-year-old Muscovite claims that Russia is still a great country in the sport.

"I had hope for our return. Well, what to do... Russia is still one of the strongest countries in world figure skating. We will be patient, our competitions are very strong and interesting in our country. I think we will still compete at the Olympic Games," the Honored Coach of the USSR said in an interview with SE.

Tarasova has no doubt that the ISU will allow Russia to participate in international competitions next year.

"Although, of course, there are people who do not want to see us there," TASS quoted Tarasova as saying.

Such pathos provoked ridicule and mockery from Russian fans.

"As long as the war continues and a certain person is in power, Russia will remain isolated, and not only in sports. It is more likely that Tarasova will leave this world without seeing the return of the Russians," "The old people are crazy themselves and are driving others crazy. The same kind of grumpy and unpleasant women send their men away, and then howl, bring them back," users write.

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