
Russian champion calls the World Cup of Hockey a bacchanal

Oleksandr ChekanovSport

Two-time Olympic champion Vyacheslav Fetisov has issued a portion of selected propaganda nonsense about the 2024 World Ice Hockey Championship. The State Duma deputy called the tournament a bacchanalia and criticized the broadcast of matches on the territory of the aggressor country.

Fetisov said this in a commentary to the Kremlin-controlled R-Sport news agency. According to the two-time Stanley Cup winner, he allegedly did not follow the championship in the Czech Republic and also called Russian broadcasters of the matches traitors.

"I didn't watch the World Cup. I think it's a betrayal to show this bacchanalia here in the country. I'm rooting for the Russian guys," said an associate of Vladimir Putin's dictatorial regime.

Earlier, a well-known Russian coach Andrei Nazarov, in a patriotic frenzy, declared the "complete degradation" of the participants of the World Ice Hockey Championship. And two-time Olympic champion Alexander Kozhevnikov called the teams that played at the 2024 World Cup Papuans.

As OBOZ.UA reported, a historical record of the competition was set at the 2024 World Ice Hockey Championship in the Czech Republic.

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