
"Ramsey's curse worked: Prigozhin becomes another victim of the star footballer

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Ramsey "killed" Prigozhin

The famous Wales midfielder Aaron Ramsey is considered to be the "killer" of many famous people - war criminals, dictators, actors, musicians, etc. The 32-year-old footballer, who previously played for Arsenal London and Juventus Turin, is not often known for scoring goals, but his goals are often harbingers of death.

''Ramsey's curse worked: Prigozhin becomes another victim of the star footballer

The footballer's "curse" manifested itself again on 23 August, three days before the Welshman scored his first accurate shot of the new season with Cardiff City, hitting the Leicester goal. Another of Ramsey's "victims" can be considered the founder of the Wagner PMC and war criminal Yevgeny Prigozhin, who died the day before as a result of a plane crash near Tver.

''Ramsey's curse worked: Prigozhin becomes another victim of the star footballer

It is known that Putin's "cook" was on the passenger list of his Embraer Legacy 600 business jet, which was probably shot down by an air defence system. Russian media also reported that Prigozhin's body had already been identified. 

Prigozhin in Africa

It is worth noting that previously, the "victims" of Ramsey's few goals (79 at the club level in 14 years of his career) were terrorist Osama bin Laden, Apple founder Steve Jobs, legendary singer Whitney Houston, Argentine dictator Jorge Videla, Libyan tyrant Muammar Gaddafi, Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, rock star David Bowie, scientist Stephen Hawking, and actor Luke Perry. All of them passed away in a matter of days or even hours after the Welshman's precise strikes.

''Ramsey's curse worked: Prigozhin becomes another victim of the star footballer

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, Russia has found a "suspect" in the cynical murder of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was killed by the Putin regime and punished for the 23 June rebellion.

Only verified information is available on our Obozrevatel Telegram channel, Threads and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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