
After the weekend, a strong magnetic storm will hit the Earth, but there is time to prepare: doctors' tips

Oleksiy LutykovSociety
After the weekend, a strong magnetic storm will hit the Earth, but there is time to prepare: doctors' tips

In mid-April, the population of our planet will be affected by several magnetic storms. Weather-sensitive people may feel a worsening of conditions, but even this phenomenon can be prepared for.

The magnetic storm will begin to appear after the weekend, April 18, but the peak will fall on the 20th and 21st. This is reported by the portal Meteoagent.

In the following days, the magnetic storms will be of varying intensity. During April 16-17, a geomagnetic storm index of 4 is expected, but it will intensify to 5 on April 20-21.

After this difficult period, magnetic storms will subside and have little impact on the planet's population. However, even weather-sensitive people can prepare for the upcoming geomagnetic storm.

During strong magnetic storms on the planet polar lights can be observed, as well as possible short-term interruptions in the work of electronics, satellites, radio, and sometimes even the blackout of power grids.

During the intensification of magnetic storms, many people on Earth may experience problems such as headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness, and joint pain. It can also lead to severe mood swings.

Naturally, people have no way to influence the intensity and frequency of magnetic storms, but it is possible to prepare your body in advance. Doctors recommend following some rules in order to endure a magnetic storm.

During these periods you should drink plenty of water, eat well, and generally lead a healthy lifestyle. It is also better to give up fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.

When a magnetic storm is raging on the Earth, it is also extremely important to spend enough time outdoors and observe the sleep regime. If a person does feel any changes, it is possible to take a contrast shower. However, such procedures should be taken with your health condition in mind.

During magnetic storms, it won't hurt to increase physical activity, at least more walking. Also, you should not forget to air the room regularly.

Previously, we told you what magnetic storms are and how they occur. Read more about it in our material.

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