
Swedish government promised to facilitate the return of IKEA and H&M to Ukraine - Poroshenko

Maria ShevchukPolitics
Poroshenko notes Sweden's leadership in helping Kyiv

In Sweden, Petro Poroshenko met with the leadership of the Riksdag, representatives of all parliamentary parties and key ministers of the Swedish government and shared the results of his visit.

According to a statement on the European Solidarity website, the politician noted Sweden's leadership in helping Kyiv and the fact that 92% of Swedish citizens unconditionally support Ukraine's struggle.

"We have a very intense international program. Why is it important right now? Because in a few days the EU summit in Granada will take place. Ukraine's issues will be discussed there, first of all, the issue of starting pre-accession negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the EU," Poroshenko said.

He said that in a few days Kyiv will also host the EU Foreign Affairs Council, which will also discuss Ukraine's membership in the EU and the start of pre-accession negotiations. The agenda of assistance to Ukraine is currently being formed, and therefore "a powerful voice that articulates Ukrainian interests" is very much needed.

"The issue of supplying us with weapons. I want to emphasize that one of the best armored combat vehicles CV 90 is supplied to us by Sweden. Sweden supplies us with one of the best Archer artillery systems. Do you remember how important the Swedish NLaw and Carl Gustav anti-tank weapons have been? And we are looking forward to one of the best fighter aircraft in the world, the JAS 39 Gripen," the fifth president said.

He added that Ukraine expects Turkey to ratify Sweden's NATO membership decision in the near future, which "will allow Sweden to free its hands and speed up the issue of supplying Ukraine with fighter jets."

"I can already say that Ukrainian pilots are undergoing appropriate training," Poroshenko said.

The politician also said that the 14th aid package for Ukraine from Sweden is almost ready and will be presented in the near future. Sweden is also preparing a separate program for another SEK 6 billion.

During his meetings with Swedish officials, Poroshenko also discussed the prospects of returning to Ukraine the world-famous IKEA and H&M companies, which suspended their operations after the full-scale invasion. However, according to the politician, the Swedish government could provide these companies with risk insurance and export loans.

"I have received confirmation that everything will be done by the Swedish government. Of course, this will be a decision of independent businesses. But everything will be done to ensure that IKEA, H&M and other large Swedish companies return to Ukraine and start working," Poroshenko said.

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