
"This is a very frustrating trend": Ministry of Education and Science explains why students need to switch from online to offline learning

Olha LipychNews
MES urges students to return to full-time education

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) is urging students to return to full-time schooling if the security situation in the region allows it. The ministry has launched the Offline School program to return as many children to their desks as possible, as online learning is largery losing out to offline one.

This was stated by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Nadiia Kuzmychova in an interview with the media. She explained that students learn less knowledge and fewer skills when studying remotely.

Even high-quality online education is inferior to classroom learning not only in terms of knowledge and skills but also in terms of the psycho-emotional development of students.

The representative of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that she considers it a frustratin trend when an IDP family lives in a safe region but their children continue to study remotely.

"It often happens when a family moves from Mariupol to Lviv. And for some reason, the child does not go to a Lviv school but continues to study remotely for the third year, although there are places in Lviv schools, and almost all of them have resumed full-time work. Your children can go to school, but you choose for them not to," Kuzmychova said.

According to her, students should be integrated into the local communities, and the best way to do this is to study at a school among their peers.

"We are distancing ourselves from people, not integrating into the local communities. And this is at a time when the best integration mechanism for a child is to be involved through school in their environment, all its activities. Thus, they will eventually become full-fledged members of this microsociety. We need to work on this directly with the families," Kuzmychova said.

As reported, earlier the deputy minister said that from September 1, 2025, Ukraine plans to separate full-time and remote learning in schools.

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