
Teacher shortage in Ukraine: Lisovyi names three subjects that will soon have no one to teach

Olga VypiraylenkoNews
The Minister of Education named the subjects in which there is a catastrophic shortage of teachers

Ukraine is most short of teachers of computer science, math, and English. According to Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi, the shortage of teachers is observed throughout the country.

The official said this in an interview with BBC. He also said that there is currently no way to raise teachers' salaries, but the education ministry is working to make the system of calculating payments clearer and more transparent.

"We have a shortage of teachers in the country. We have the most acute shortage of computer science teachers, math teachers, and English language teachers," Lisovyi said.

Earlier, Tetiana Zakharchenko, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, pointed out the situation with the shortage of computer science teachers. She analyzed the top 5 pedagogical universities in Ukraine, where applicants had no more than 160 points in the National Multisubject Test in 2024.

In addition, according to the educator, not many people who want to become teachers enter the leading educational institutions. And according to statistics, only about 20% of applicants for pedagogical specialties will remain in the profession.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you when teachers will receive a salary increase to UAH 24 thousand.

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