
What to check in a car before a long trip: five tips

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Your safety on the road depends on the serviceability of these parts

The longer you are going to travel in a car, the more thoroughly you need to check its condition beforehand - this is an axiom. But how to check the car properly? What should you take care of first and what should you never forget?

OBOZREVATEL has collected mechanics' advice on this subject. The main list is not very long - only 5 points. But it will allow you to cover even a very long way without typical force majeure.

Check belts and hoses for damage

A failure of a simple part such as a drive belt or gasoline pump hose can bring the car to a complete standstill. That's why you should check all such parts before you drive. Especially if you haven't had your car inspected or repaired in a while.

Different engines use different types and numbers of belts and hoses. Find the manual for your model on the Internet. For example, on YouTube. This way, you will clearly see what exactly you need to inspect and how to do it correctly.

It is also worth knowing what are the typical breakdowns of such parts. For example, here's how you can see that a belt needs to be replaced:

  • shiny spots appeared on it - these indicate places where the part has been heavily worn;
  • cracks and scuffs - in these places, the belt is likely to break soon;
  • loss of tension - the item has stretched over time and no longer performs its function properly.

If the belt shows any of these signs, it should be replaced. If none, it's safe to continue driving with it.

Here are the typical signs of hose failure:

  • cracks and bulges - the part can leak through these places, especially in places around the bends of the hose;
  • abrasions and shiny "glassy" areas - thermal damage can partially melt the hoses, and abrasive damage can leave abrasions;
  • soft spots - while the engine is cold, squeeze the hoses near the clamps and feel the hose for soft or mushy spots, which are a sign of electrochemical degradation when the hoses are breaking down from the inside.

Inspect your car's tires

Tires need to be inflated to the correct pressure for the wheels to perform their function properly. You can find the correct number for your model in the owner's manual or by googling it. Also check the tread depth.

Take care of the brake pads

Not only your safety, but also that of other road users depends on the serviceability of your brakes. Therefore, they must be in perfect working order. The brake pads of most cars are visible through holes in the hubcap, so you don't even need to remove the wheel to see their condition. Shine a flashlight on them to see if they are thick or thin. If they are less than 0.7 cm thick, the pads definitely need to be replaced. And if they wear unevenly, it's likely that you have a traction problem.

Check your fluids and top them up

Depending on the type of transmission in your vehicle, there are five or six main types of fluids that are required to keep it running smoothly:

  • engine oil
  • brake fluid;
  • transmission fluid if you drive an automatic;
  • coolant/antifreeze;
  • power steering fluid;
  • windshield washer fluid.

To make sure your car has enough, wait until the engine is completely cool and then look under the hood. Each fluid reservoir should have a cap that is easy to see and remove, as well as visible fill lines, or for oil, a dipstick. Use these to see how full the reservoirs are. Add the necessary fluid if necessary.

Check your headlights and wipers

This check should be done before any trip. There's nothing worse than realizing that your vehicle's visibility equipment has failed in the middle of an unexpected rainstorm, blizzard, or fog. All headlights should be on, and the wipers should be moving evenly and tightly against the glass. Carry spare bulbs and wipers with you just in case - you may need them at any time. Even if you need a real mechanic to replace your headlights, which is often the case with new cars, having the part on hand means you don't have to wait for your order to arrive.

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