
They can be fined. Kremin reminded what language teachers should use at school

Olga VypiraylenkoNews
Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language Calls on Teachers to Abide by the Law

Ukrainian teachers should speak only the state language during the educational process. The requirement applies not only to lessons but also to breaks, extracurricular activities, and communication between school staff.

This was stated by the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language Taras Kremin on Facebook. He emphasized that if a violation is detected, teachers may be fined. In addition, school principals, rectors, and academic staff who deliberately ignore the law requirements may also be subject to such punishment.

They can be fined. Kremin reminded what language teachers should use at school

"The educational process is all activities that take place on the territory of an educational institution. It includes class work, educational work, and communication between students and pedagogical representatives in classrooms, teachers' rooms, canteens, corridors, gyms, at the stadium, and on school grounds. Recess is also an educational process, and the state language should be used there," the official said.

According to Kremin, educational institutions ensure compulsory study of the state language at all educational levels.

They can be fined. Kremin reminded what language teachers should use at school

At the same time, students belonging to indigenous peoples or national minorities are allowed to study in their native language alongside the state language by creating separate classes.

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