
It will be just like the picture: how to take care of your lawn. Work calendar

Alina MilsentNews
The lawn. Source: Created with the help of AI

A high-quality lawn needs regular maintenance: mowing, watering, weeding, fertilizing, etc. The result will not appear immediately - the grass needs time to gain strength. The most important thing is to mow it properly. The grass should be of such a height that the root system receives enough nutrients.

It is a mistake to believe that the lawn needs care only in spring and summer. OBOZ.UA tells you how to take care of the site and publishes an annual calendar of work.

When to mow the grass

The lawn should be mowed from April-May to October.

The frequency depends on several factors:

  • the type of lawn
  • the grasses sown on it
  • weather conditions
  • soil type, etc.

Do not allow the grass to grow more than 8-10 cm.

You can mow the grass every 4-5 days during the period of active growth and once a week in summer and fall.

It will be just like the picture: how to take care of your lawn. Work calendar

How to water the lawn

Dry weather causes the grass to lose its elasticity and begin to turn yellow. Watering is best done in cool weather - in hot weather, water evaporates quickly.

If possible, you should set up automatic watering. Active sun and dry air can dry out the grass and turn it into hay in just a few days.

How to fertilize the lawn

In the spring, the area can be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer, and in the summer - with a complex nitrogen-phosphate-potassium fertilizer. It is better to fertilize before rain, and if precipitation is not predicted, water the lawn beforehand.

Mulching will also be useful. The mixture usually consists of sand and humus. It is best to carry out the procedure in early fall, around mid-September.

Work schedule

One of the most popular myths is that the lawn seems to need care only in summer and spring. You need to take care of your garden regularly to get thick and bright green grass.

  • January is a month of rest. In wet and frosty weather, you can easily damage the frozen ground.
  • February is the month of preparation. You can sort through and clean your garden tools. You should not clean the lawn until early March.
  • March is the time to clear the lawn of leaves and debris. You should also fertilize the soil with fertilizers to speed up the recovery process after frost. When mowing for the first time, only the tips of the grass should be removed. Be careful - a low mowing will lead to severe yellowing.
  • April is the time to start weed control. The grass should be mowed quite often to a height of 3-5 cm, depending on the type of lawn.
  • May is a month of regular mowing and a good time to use weed killers.
  • June is the month to switch to a summer mowing schedule, about once a week. You can add a nitrogen fertilizer, such as ammonium nitrate, and selectively spray weeds with herbicides. Take care of quality watering.
  • July is the time for watering and mowing. Do not mow the lawn too short during the heat wave.
  • August involves standard summer care: mowing, fertilizing, watering. At the end of August, you can start sowing grass.
  • September is the beginning of the transition to the fall maintenance program. Mowing is reduced, and the height of the grass can be increased by a few cm. Mulching can be done.
  • October marks the end of regular mowing. Fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen are suitable.
  • November involves periodic mowing of the lawn, if frost has not yet set in and the grass has not become sour from the rains. It's also a good time to clean and lubricate your mower and other garden equipment before winter. This is a good time to lay sod.
  • December is a time for rest. The main thing is not to walk on a wet or frozen lawn.

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