
During excavations in a castle in Turkey, a magical talisman tablet was found that "protects against evil." Photo

Inna VasilyukNews
A talismanic gravestone found in a 185-meter-high hilltop castle in Silifke. Source: AA

In Turkey, archaeologists have found a mysterious funerary tablet believed to date back to the Byzantine period and protect against evil. The discovery was made during excavations in Silifke Castle, located on a hill in the city of the same name in the Mersin province in the south of the country.

The discovery is part of ongoing excavations and restoration work led by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. And on the mysterious thirteenth stage of research work, they managed to find this mysterious artifact, Arkeonews writes.

The head of the excavations, Professor Ali Boran from Ankara University, Haci Bayram Veli, said that the excavations of the current season revealed important finds for history. "As far as we understand from the inscriptions inside, this is a magical talisman tablet that was made to protect this building or tomb from all evil and enemies. Its full analysis is being continued by our epigraphy professors. But we see that this place has its own peculiarities," Boran said.

During excavations in a castle in Turkey, a magical talisman tablet was found that ''protects against evil.'' Photo

The professor emphasized that so far, scientists have not found a burial structure inside the castle. However, a plaque found to the west of the mosque indicates that there was a burial structure at that time. "This is an important tablet for the history of the region and Anatolia in the context of data disclosure. The artifact is not very large, but looking at its content and style of writing, it is a find that can give a lot," Ali Boran noted.

The head of the excavations also mentioned the mystical nature of the find. "Just as some people today consider Nazar Bonkugu (a famous eye mascot in Turkey) to be a means of protection, such objects were used in ancient times to prevent harm. The presence of this tablet in Silifke Castle is a crucial historical discovery," Ali Boran added.

During excavations in a castle in Turkey, a magical talisman tablet was found that ''protects against evil.'' Photo

The scientist also emphasized that this find emphasizes the role of the castle beyond its architectural and urban features, revealing a deeper layer of cultural and historical context.

It is known that the Byzantine fortress on top of a hill with a moat, two dozen towers, and vaulted underground rooms, was once the command center of the Silifke. The structure was originally built by the Byzantine Empire during Arab raids in the seventh century. However, the current fortress dates back 500 years later.

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