
Almost 300 notifications a day! Scientists have proven that cell phones cause stress for both parents and children

Inna VasilyukNews
Parents pass on the stress of gadgets to their children. Source: Freepik

Scientists have proven that cell phones cause stress for parents and their children. They are often distracted by calls and notifications.

Scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School conducted an experiment in which parents received an average of almost 300 mobile notifications every day for a year. According to the study, parents experienced stress as much as their young children because they picked up their phones an average of 93 times a day, the NewYorkPost reports.

Almost 300 notifications a day! Scientists have proven that cell phones cause stress for both parents and children

Busy parents believe that their mobile devices have many conveniences and are therefore helpful. However, according to the study, daily digital notifications from screens are alarming.

"We know that parents of young children often multitask. That is, they often juggle parenting and home life at the same time as work and other responsibilities. It stands to reason that feeling disconnected from their phones can cause additional stress, as can constant distraction from notifications," said Tiffany Muntzer, a behavioral developmental pediatrician at Mott Children's Hospital and lead author of the study.

Almost 300 notifications a day! Scientists have proven that cell phones cause stress for both parents and children

The study involved 62 parents of 62 children aged 4 to 6 years. The average age of the parents was 37 years.

The study showed that parents received more notifications and picked up the phone more often, which caused them stress. After all, a disturbing reality leads to disturbing messages.

According to the researchers, stress is the price parents pay for having a high-tech smartphone that allows them to access anything at any time.

Almost 300 notifications a day! Scientists have proven that cell phones cause stress for both parents and children

And this stress is passed on to the kids who are close to their parents. After all, children can sense the mood of others and quickly adopt it.

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