
You're drinking water wrong: tips to change your lifestyle forever

Yulia PoteriankoLife
It is not enough to drink the prescribed daily amount of water, it is important to consume it properly throughout the day

Any doctor will tell you that good health is impossible without proper hydration. But how exactly can you ensure proper water intake?

Universal advice says that you should drink 6-8 glasses of pure water a day. But all organisms are different and therefore have different fluid needs. It is unlikely that a male athlete weighing 100 kg who sweats intensely in the gym for half a day and, say, a pregnant woman should drink the same amount of water. OBOZ.UA has been looking into the nuances of how to adjust its consumption to get the maximum benefit.

In its recommendations, the British National Health Service (NHS) indicates that in fact, fluid intake should include not only water but also low-fat milk and any sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee. Urine can also be an indicator of sufficient fluid intake. Normally, it should be clear and have a pale yellow color.

However, according to some health experts, we still drink water incorrectly and can get more out of this process if we change our approach. So, if you work hard for hours and then drink 500 ml of liquid at a time in one go, this is not the best way to avoid dehydration.

It's much more effective to consume fluids in small portions throughout the day. If you drink a large amount of water at once, your body will quickly eliminate it in the urine, getting rid of the excess. In this way, it protects itself against a drop in sodium levels, which can occur if you overdo it in one go. Slow consumption will allow your body to saturate your tissues with fluid more evenly and in the right amounts.

Here are some other tips from the NHS on how to consume drinks properly to get the most out of them:

  • drink regularly throughout the day;
  • replace sugary drinks with diet drinks without added sugar;
  • adults can consume milk with reduced fat content, for example, 1%, or choose completely skim milk, as well as unsweetened drinks of plant origin;
  • limit fruit juices and smoothies to a maximum of one small glass (150 ml) per day and drink it with meals, as these drinks contain a lot of sugar;
  • check nutrition labels on drinks;
  • if you sweat due to physical activity, weather, or feeling unwell, drink more fluids;
  • consume caffeine in moderation – up to 200 mg per day is enough;
  • if you don't like the taste of plain water, try sparkling water without added sugar or add a slice of lemon, lime, or cucumber to it;
  • avoid drinks with high sugar content – they are more caloric, and sugar can damage teeth.

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