
Why you shouldn't wipe the table with your hand: the essence of the old sign

People say that you should not sweep crumbs off the table with your hand

Folk signs have not lost their relevance in the progressive XXI century. And perhaps the largest number of them are related to cleaning.

The table was considered an attribute and symbol of family unity. The whole family gathered around it: they discussed important events, celebrated weddings, anniversaries, and even organized funerals. That is why people have long had many "table" signs. For example, it was strongly discouraged to wipe the table with your hand. Read OBOZREVATEL's article to find out what the essence of the superstition is.

The table was considered an energetically powerful place. Our ancestors said that you should not sweep crumbs off the table with your hand. It seems like an elementary simple gesture. But the sign was associated with material prosperity. If you wipe the table with your hand, sweeping away the crumbs, you can bring poverty. Supporters of the superstition also say that it can "close the path to happiness." So they advised to wipe the table with a cloth or sponge instead.

For a single girl, the sign does not bode well, as it can "scare away" suitors and leave her without a mate for a long time.

According to another version, by sweeping away the crumbs with your hand, you "attract" minor troubles and problems to yourself. In this way, the hostess can bring trouble and illness to all family members.

For women, the superstition portends adultery, and for men, financial difficulties and unnecessary expenses.

By the way, there are other signs related to cleaning. It is said that on Monday, you should not sweep the floor, wash clothes, or take out the trash. Sunday is also considered an unfavorable day for cleaning. Read the article to find out which day is ideal for cleaning.

OBOZREVATEL also told why you shouldn't drink from someone else's cup.

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