
Why you shouldn't wear mismatched shoes or socks: the origin of a strange superstition

Items intended to be a pair, according to superstitions, should not be separated

People attach special significance to all paired wardrobe items. After all, they lose their properties alone, and, therefore, superstitious people believe they begin to negatively affect the fate of their owners.

OBOZREVATEL figured out why it is considered wrong to wear one sock or one shoe and what signs are associated with this.

These signs apply to all hosiery and any type of shoe—anything that can be put on your feet and comes in pairs.

The most obvious meaning of the omen is associated with parting, even a tragic one. People believe that someone who wears the same sock or shoe will lose their closest relatives - mother or father, or even both parents - early on.

In the interpretation of the sign, paired items are associated with parental figures. If they are broken, the union of mother and father will also be broken. Moreover, if they don't get along very well, this can bring their separation closer, and if they love each other, it is more likely to portend the death of one of the couple.

Also, the habit of walking in this way portends long loneliness for a person who is not in a relationship, perhaps even a lifetime of loneliness. People say that this is especially dangerous for women. They also ensure that it is better to walk barefoot than in one shoe.  

Since socks, stockings, and shoes are connected to the feet, their vapors are also transferred to the human path. It is believed that walking in one shoe can cause memory loss, and a person will not be able to remember the way home.

It is also a bad sign to see a sock or shoe without a pair in a dream. This means that you are facing a conflict in which you will be drawn against your will. Or a secret that you want to keep will be revealed. If you dream that you are walking in one sock or steamed shoes, it portends an unsuccessful trip - vacation, business trip, etc.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL reported on why you shouldn't carry photos of loved ones in your wallet. 

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