
Why do ficus leaves turn yellow: how to save the indoor plant

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Ficus can be very sensitive to care mistakes

As a houseplant, ficus is valued for its very decorative appearance. Its dense, shiny leaves and beautiful branches add vibrancy to any interior. It's also a relatively hardy species that is easy to care for. However, even a ficus can start to turn yellow and shed its leaves.

OBOZ.UA tells you why the plant starts to behave this way and how you can prevent the problem and return the ficus to a healthy appearance.

Lack of watering

All types of ficus are plants that do not tolerate missed watering very well. If you let the tree dry out, it may react by shedding its leaves. First, the leaf blades will turn bright yellow and then begin to fall off. To revive the plant, resume regular and timely watering. Add water when the soil in the pot is 2-2.5 cm dry.

Excessive watering

Ficus is equally painful to overwater. Signs of waterlogging can be the same yellowing and shedding of leaves at the tips of branches. If the soil under the plant is really wet, pause watering until it dries out properly: the top 2 cm should be dry and light in weight. Make sure that the pot in which the ficus lives has a drainage hole. Excess water should drain into the sump through it so that it does not stagnate at the roots.

Moving the pot

Simply moving the plant from one room to another can be enough to cause the yellowing of the leaves. If the light intensity or temperature in the new location is different, the plant's watering requirements will change as well. So just keep a closer eye on the tree's condition and give it time to adapt. When it gets used to the new location, the leaves will grow back.

Temperature changes

Like any plant from warm latitudes, the ficus does not like temperature changes and drafts. Therefore, check if your flowerpot is not exposed to a stream of cold air. The optimal night temperature for it should not fall below 12 degrees. Don't forget to take care of a sufficiently humid atmosphere for it. Spray the plant regularly to reduce the chance of yellowing leaves.

Improper fertilization

Excessive fertilization causes undesirable symptoms in houseplants, such as yellowing of the leaves. Ficus is no exception. Due to too much fertilization, salts can accumulate in the soil, which can lead to burns to the roots of the plant. If you miscalculated the dosage, rinse the soil in the pot. Water the plant abundantly until water begins to flow from the bottom of the container. If you notice white crusting on the surface of the soil, immerse the entire pot in a bucket of water to wash away excess salts. But then let the soil dry properly before the next watering.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA talked about four gross mistakes in winter orchid care that can even kill the plant.

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