
Which houseplants are the best at absorbing moisture and getting rid of mold: a list

Alina MilsentLife
These plants will get rid of mold

Houseplants are not just pleasing to the eye. Some of them can reduce condensation on windows, lower humidity levels, and even prevent mold.

Palm trees or English ivy will help you naturally control the humidity in your home, as they can absorb excess water through their leaves. Express has analyzed what plants you should buy if you want to get rid of mold and mildew in your home.

Palm tree

Palm trees are a great choice for humidity control and mold protection. Their spreading leaves quickly absorb excess condensation.

The following types of palm trees are best suited for fighting mold and mildew:

- Areca palm

- bamboo palms

- dwarf date palm

- reed palm

- lady's palm.

Palms are unpretentious in care and very useful for your home.

Spathiphyllum or peace lily

Spathiphyllum loves shade and blooms in high humidity, so it is an ideal choice for places prone to mold. Sometimes this plant is even placed in the bathroom.

The peace lily absorbs moisture from the air through its leaves, and it does not need direct sunlight at all. It feels great under fluorescent lighting.

In addition, spathiphyllum is suitable for people with allergies or asthma. But the flowers of the peace lily are very toxic to pets, so cats and dogs should be kept away from the plant.

To ensure good photosynthesis, it is enough to wipe the leaves regularly.

English ivy or Hedera ivy

English ivy will cope well with mold in damp rooms. It grows best in bright, indirect light and needs regular watering.

Although ivy prefers moderate humidity, it can also withstand low humidity levels at home. For ivy to thrive, it needs good air circulation. These plants should not be poured too much when watering. Remember to keep ivy away from pets, as the leaves are toxic to them. For this reason, English ivy is usually hung in a hanging pot or placed on a cabinet.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue

This hardy and adaptable plant is also one of the best in the fight against condensation and moisture. Sansevieria grows well in bright light and warm temperatures and does not require any care. It is enough to water it once every few weeks.

The leaves of the plant come in a variety of shapes and colors, many of them resembling snake skin, and according to research, the leaves not only absorb excess moisture but also filter out common household toxins.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you what indoor plants should be placed in the bedroom.

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