
Which houseplants are best suited for the terrarium: 10 great options

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Creating a small tropical paradise at home is not so difficult

In recent years, the popularity of terrariums has begun to grow. Lizards, frogs, and even snakes and spiders have proven to be interesting pets, and arranging a home for them is a very exciting activity.

By the way, it can be combined with another hobby: growing indoor plants. Some species feel great in a terrarium and look very good in it. OBOZ.UA has collected a dozen ideas of what to plant to admire all the joys of wildlife without leaving home.

Miniature ferns

Small young ferns are ideal for planting in a terrarium or bottle garden. They are relatively easy to care for, do well in damp heat, and tolerate low light levels. Indoor space will not be a problem for them either.

Dwarf ficus

This creeping plant is ideal for beginner gardeners. Its vines are covered with small heart-shaped leaves of various colors - from bright green to dark purple - so the decorative qualities of the dwarf ficus are also at their best. It is considered to be the easiest terrarium plant of all. Simply plant a couple of cuttings in drained soil and enjoy watching them grow.


Adding a low-growing fittonia to a terrarium is a great idea for a home garden. These plants need indirect light and high humidity and do not need to be watered abundantly. Its bright, wiry leaves of various colors - from white to purple - will delight the eye. And it takes very little effort to grow.


All types of peperomia are suitable for growing in a terrarium. And even a beginner can handle them. Peperomia grows best in bright, indirect light and prefers moist, well-drained soil. Under the right conditions, it can even bloom with small cylindrical white flowers.


The round, flat leaves of the pilea resemble coins. They grow in a rosette and have a color from bright green to dark jade. The plant calmly tolerates missed watering or fertilizing, so even a beginner can handle it. It reproduces very easily: by leaves that take root in water.


Red spots on the leaves give hypoestes an unusually exotic look. And they make an excellent decoration for a terrarium. The plant can even compete in brightness with some species of tropical frogs. The only condition if you want to grow a really bright hypoestes is that it should not grow in the semi-darkness. Indirect bright sunlight will make it look the most spectacular.


The herbaceous epiphyte grows well even where there is no soil at all. All tillandsia needs is a small lump of sphagnum. This will be enough for it to take root. It receives moisture and food mainly from the air. All this makes it an ideal terrarium plant. However, make sure that water does not accumulate as this can cause the plant to rot.

Variegated Arrowroot 

This small plant is native to the tropics, making it an ideal choice for warm and humid terrariums. Arrowroot makes a luxurious visual accent. All thanks to the variegated leaves, which can be painted in different shades of green or have bright red stripes. Plant it against the background of something less bright and it will become a real jewel in your collection.


Beautiful cascades of small leaves make this one of the best terrarium plants. In addition, it grows quickly and covers the soil with a living green carpet. This is provided that you do not skip watering and fertilizing. Wherever the shoots touch the soil, the plant will take root and grow further. And all this without much effort on your part.


This succulent can grow to the size of a small tree, making it a good choice even for spacious terrariums. Crassula has a rather exotic appearance due to its thick oval leaves and it does not suffer from low light levels. Nevertheless, it is better to plant it in open terrariums because high humidity is not very useful for the plant.

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