
Which cat breeds are the most intelligent: can learn to follow commands

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Siamese, Bengals, and Abyssinians are among the smartest breeds in the feline kingdom

A cat's intelligence is not as easy to measure as a dog's because creatures independent by nature are not easily trained. Nevertheless, experts say that some breeds can perfectly understand and respond to human tones, and sometimes even execute commands. Also, feline intelligence is expressed in the extent to which felines can adapt to new conditions and interact with new people and other animals.

Omlet magazine named 7 breeds that meet these criteria the best. At the same time, the innate character of all these breeds is very different, and you can choose a friend among them with any qualities.

Abyssinian cat

This breed is characterized by self-confidence, and Abyssinian cats will feel like masters in your home. They are considered intelligent because they love to socialize with people and other animals, including parrots. Any games that force them to come up with ways to solve various problems make Abyssinians happier. 

Siamese cat

Siamese are probably the smartest of all cats. Their inquisitive nature makes them explore every corner of the house. They are better trained than others, and many owners of blue-eyed beauties can boast that their pets can perform tricks.

Bengal cat

These sociable cats are delighted to communicate with people. Talkativeness is one of the main features of the breed. If there is no one to "answer" phrases and questions, the Bengal will "talk" to itself. These cats love to jump and climb to heights, exploring their surroundings. They are often said to love water and can bring toys thrown to them to the owner.

Burmese cat

Burmese are often described as cats with dog-like personalities because of their love of socializing and they can to learn quickly. They are very sociable cats who feel best in the company when they receive lots of attention. They interact well with children and dogs.

Cornish Rex

Curiosity is a prominent feature of this breed. The Cornish Rex will gladly explore every inch of your home, even up to its height. They love to play games and socialize with people. Moreover, these babies do not even disdain to demand attention on purpose.


Representatives of this breed are very active - a close relationship with wild servals is evident. They need long games and even walks on a leash, during which they will carefully explore the entire space around them. Savannahs love to have their minds stimulated.

Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds love toys that require a lot of thought - these can be teasers and even puzzles. They like to socialize with their owners, and they love attention. That's why they call people to play.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about cat breeds that get along well with dogs.

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