
When to harvest viburnum and how to store it properly

Alina MilsentLife
How to harvest viburnum

The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of viburnum have been known for a long time. It is useful for people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Viburnum berries contain vitamins, nutrients, useful elements and organic acids like acetic, formic, and oleic.

Viburnum is not only healthy but also an affordable berry. If you decide to plant viburnum in your garden, OBOZ.UA will tell you when to pick the berries and how to store them properly.

When to pick viburnum

Viburnum is a late berry. It is harvested after the first frost. The secret is that it loses its bitterness and gains more useful properties under the influence of frost.

The harvest time depends on weather conditions. You can harvest viburnum from the second half of October until the first snow.

But you don't have to wait for cold weather. Experienced gardeners say that the berries are considered ripe in September when they turn a bright red hue. To get rid of bitterness, there is a simple life hack: you can simply put the berries in the freezer for a few hours.

Starting in mid-October, viburnum will not only taste sweeter but will also have more nutrients.

Life hacks for picking viburnum

Harvesting should be done in dry weather as the berries can spoil if they soften. Use garden shears or secateurs to cut off the tassels and then tear them off to harvest the berries.

Sort through the viburnum and throw away any damaged or rotten berries immediately after harvesting. After cutting off the tassels, it is best to spread them out on a baking sheet or other container in a single layer for convenience.

There are two ways to store viburnum. Useful properties will be preserved if you put the berries in the freezer. But you can also dry them in an electric dryer or oven. Viburnum is used to make jams, tinctures and teas.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA shared what you should definitely feed currants with in November and how to prune them correctly.

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