
What you can make from an old umbrella: original ideas

Yulia PoteriankoLife
What you can make from an old umbrella: original ideas

Despite the fact that umbrellas are made of durable material that is impermeable to water, yet at the folds it rubs and begins to leak. In this case, it would seem, it remains only to throw out the old umbrella. But in fact, it is possible to give it a second life, especially if its dome is made of a material with a beautiful print that you really like.

OBOZREVATEL offers a few ideas. Almost all of them will suit even people who are not very familiar with needlework.

Decorative pillows

Printed fabric with bright flowers or other images can become a beautiful decorative pillow. To do this, the dome of the umbrella must be removed from the base and cut into appropriate pieces, from which to sew a cover. He can be one-sided because the fabric in the umbrella is really not much. The second side can be made from a monochrome textile. The bag will have to be stuffed with the filler to the volume you need and sew. Since such a pillow is not suitable for sleep, because its material is synthetic, it can only serve as an interior decoration.

Creative lamp

A small umbrella can be turned into a creative floor lamp. To do this, you will have to open it and cut off the handle. With this dome, you can decorate the finished frame of the floor lamp and decorate it to your liking - rhinestones, beads, fringe, etc. Or you can insert a base and screw in a light bulb. You can also hang an open umbrella upside down by the handle and decorate it inside with garland - such a lamp will be even easier to make.

Hanger from a handle

What to do with a cut-off handle? A beautiful bent handle can become a handy hook on which you can hang things on hangers. It is best to attach the handle to some base - a decorative plaster or plastic wall figure. In this case, such a functional thing can become an accent in the interior.

Sturdy chopper

If you are not very fond of decorating the house with pillows, a sturdy umbrella fabric can be turned into a bag shopper. The technology is the same: the fabric is cut from the umbrella, cut so that one or two rectangles came out of it (depending on the size of the umbrella and the desired volume of the shopper), and sewed, and stitched handles. One side of such a bag can be printed, and the other and the handles - monochrome. You can also sew pockets inside, if necessary. Such a shopper will weigh very little and be easy to fold.

Spring decor

An umbrella cane with broken spokes can become a door decoration, in which you can insert flowers. You need to fix the spokes so they do not stick out in different directions and place a small vase of water or a floral sponge inside the umbrella. It remains to hang the umbrella on the door and place a bouquet in it. Say, spring tulips that match it well in color.

Raincoat for the dog.

Finally, if your sewing skills allow, you can make a raincoat for a small dog out of fabric from a broken umbrella. Such clothes will protect the animal well from the mud in wet weather.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told you how to take care of your sneakers, so they will look good even after the rain.

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