
What to feed raspberries and currants with in spring: signs that the plants need fertilization

Anna OnishchenkoLife
What to fertilize raspberries and currants with in spring

With the onset of spring, gardeners begin active work on caring for fruit bushes. They usually do not require too much care, but they need to be fertilized in spring if you want to to get sweet berries.

Raspberries and currants are among the most popular berry crops in Ukraine. The Garden City portal has shared useful tips on fertilizing so that they will delight you with the volume and quality of the harvest.

Experienced gardeners recommend applying fertilizer under the root of berry bushes. This increases the yield and improves the taste of the fruit. In order to prepare a fertilizer that contains both mineral and organic components, you will need:

  • A bucket of compost.
  • 25 grams of superphosphate.
  • 15 grams of potassium sulfate.
  • All this should be mixed well and covered with foil. One bush should take 5 kg of the mixture.

Mineral fertilizers should be applied after the flowering phase. Nitrogen fertilization is also used at this stage. For example, you can sprinkle a small handful of urea under the bush or dilute it with water and water the plant. However, it is important that the solution does not get on the leaves.


In early spring, raspberries are usually fertilized with phosphorus. This is especially important if the plant has thin and weak branches.

In addition, do not neglect nitrogen because if there is a lack of this element, the leaves will turn yellow and faded and will stop growing. You need to add 10 grams of nitrate and 8 grams of urea per square meter. However, if the leaves become too large and dark, then there is too much nitrogen.

If the leaves turn brown, "burnt" at the edges, the plant lacks potassium. An excellent substitute for potash fertilizers is ordinary ash. 150 grams per 1 square meter will be enough.

You can also use complex fertilizers to feed raspberries. For example, mix 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate, and 40 grams of potassium salt. 2\3 parts of the mixture should be applied in spring, and the rest in early June.


Currants require all NPK components, especially phosphorus. It is a key element for the quality development of the bush in early spring. Phosphorus forms roots and plays an important role in the formation of berries.

You need to start fertilizing as soon as the temperature starts to rise above freezing. This is usually done after pruning, loosening and weeding the land from weeds. At this stage, use complex fertilizers or nitrogen fertilizers such as nitroammophoska. The main thing is not to overfeed the currants with nitrogen as this will significantly affect the yield.

Potassium and phosphorus are added before flowering.

During flowering and fruiting, you can use a boric acid solution.

However, if you planted currants last year, you do not need to fertilize them in spring.

Rules for feeding

  • Do not fertilize fruit bushes on hot sunny days.
  • Do not mix organic and mineral fertilizers in the same solution.
  • When spraying, the leaves should be evenly moistened.
  • If the substance gets on berries or leaves during root dressing, rinse them with water.

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