
What Ukrainian surnames were given to self-confident people: check yours

Anna Onishchenko
Anna OnishchenkoLife
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Surnames of self-confident people

People's surnames, like their first names, have always had a meaning. In ancient times, surnames were given to people based on their occupation, appearance, marital status, or personality traits.

Some people's surnames can mean that their ancestors were considered wise, intelligent, or clever, while a number of Ukrainians have a surname that was given to narcissistic, arrogant, and overconfident people. OBOZ.UA has compiled a selection of the most common ones based on information from the Vasyl Maslov Society.


There are several opinions about the origin of the Bozhko surname. Some say that it was formed from the name Bohdan and means God-given. Others believe that Bozhko comes from the Old Ukrainian word "bozhok" meaning "idol" or "God".

What Ukrainian surnames were given to self-confident people: check yours

This surname could be given to a narcissistic person who considered himself very important and significant.

Herhul, Herhun, Herhulenko, Herhel, Herheliuk

Initially, the word "herhel" was a nickname given to a boastful, impudent person. Over time, it transformed into a surname and began to distinguish overly confident Ukrainians from everyone else.

What Ukrainian surnames were given to self-confident people: check yours

Currently, this surname is not very popular. Only about two thousand people can boast of it.

Indyk, Indychenko

You may have already guessed that the surname Indyk and similar ones originated from the name of a bird. This is how people called arrogant and self-important people who walked around puffed up like turkeys.

At present, it is not so easy to meet people with the surname Indyk because the number of bearers of this family name is only about 500 people.


The nickname dunduk is still popular among the people, and in general, this is how a turkey or an Indian rooster used to be called.

Currently, only a little over 400 people in Ukraine bear this surname. Presumably, the ancestors of these Ukrainians were quite narcissistic and arrogant.

Kokosh, Kokosha, Kokoshko

The word kokosh used to be used to describe roosters. Just like turkeys, these birds tend to be proud, arrogant, and narcissistic.

Therefore, the ancestors of Ukrainians who own a surname with the root "kokosh" probably could not complain about a lack of self-confidence.


It is clear that this surname comes from the name of a traditional wedding bread.

Once upon a time, the surname Korovai was a sign of very proud and self-confident people who had a strong sense of self-esteem.

Netreba, Netrebko, Netrebovskyi

In ancient times, the owners of these surnames never needed anything from anyone.

They were too self-confident, independent, and stubborn. Currently, more than 1.5 thousand people can boast of such a flashy surname as Netreba.

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