
What is family garlic and how to plant it correctly: tips for gardeners

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Family garlic gives a higher yield from a limited area

Not only a large package of a product in a supermarket can be family-owned. You can also learn how to grow large and juicy garlic, which gardeners also call family.

How to do it? OBOZ.UA asked experienced gardeners about the tricks of the trade. Growing family garlic is not particularly difficult. But it can be an interesting experience and a useful skill for those who have a really large family or limited space for a garden.

When to sow family garlic

Like any other garlic, this one is also planted in the ground either at the beginning of the season or before frost. If you like to take care of everything in advance and grow winter crops, then it is better to sow from late September to early November. If your gardening season is spring, then do it in early April.

How to plant a vegetable correctly

In order for garlic to grow really big, you need to plant it so that there is enough space between the plants. So, if the distance between crops is usually 10 cm, then for family garlic it will need to be increased to 40 cm.

In addition, you need to put not just one clove in the hole, but the whole head. The garlic should be of high quality - healthy, strong and without signs of damage. From one such hole, you can eventually get several heads of the vegetable.

And one more trick - the larger the garlic you put in the ground, the more massive the harvest will grow. Therefore, choose the largest possible heads for this sowing method.

Why is it worth sowing family garlic?

Gardeners claim that this is a good way to get a really big harvest from a small plot of land. According to some reports, up to 150-180 large heads of the vegetable can be harvested from 5 square meters of land.

At the same time, caring for such a plant is no different from caring for ordinary garlic. Do not forget about timely watering so that the vegetable does not turn out to be too "evil" and aromatic, cut off the arrows and tie green leaves to allow the plant to go to the root.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you what microgreens you can easily grow on your windowsill even in winter.

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