
This simple test will reveal your mental age

Alina MilsentLife
Test to determine mental age

Scientists conditionally distinguish three types of age. Chronological age is the number of years you have lived since you were born. Biological age is the condition of your body, and intellectual age is how "old" your brain feels. Statistically, all these indicators usually differ from each other.

A very interesting test is gaining popularity online: it can help determine your mental age. Look at the images and choose the answer. Calculate all your points to find out your mental age.

Which color is dominant?

  • Answer A is 4 points;
  • B - 5 points;
  • C - 1 point;
  • D - 2 points;
  • E - 3 points.

Choose a shade of pink

  • A - 3 points;
  • B - 2 points;
  • C - 1 point;
  • D - 5 points;
  • E - 4 points.

Is this a black-and-white image?

  • A - 3 points;
  • B - 0 points;

What is your favorite sunset?

  • A - 3 points;
  • B - 2 points;
  • C - 4 points;
  • D - 1 point.

Choose a shade of blue

  • A - 2 points;
  • B - 4 points;
  • C - 3 points;
  • D - 5 points;
  • E - 1 point.

Which color did you see first?

  • A - 1 point;
  • B - 4 points;
  • C - 5 points;
  • D - 3 points;
  • E - 2 points.

Choose a color

  • A - 2 points;
  • B - 4 points;
  • C - 5 points;
  • D - 1 point;
  • E - 6 points;.
  • F - 3 points.

Which color is the brightest?

  • A - 4 points;
  • B - 2 points;
  • C - 1 point;
  • D - 5 points;
  • E - 3 points.


7-12 points:

You are under 20 years old. You are a carefree teenager at heart, regardless of your chronological age. You strive for independence and believe that you can achieve a lot in life.

13-20 points:

You are 20-29 years old. You are active, creative, full of life, but you can already call yourself an adult. You are independent, brave, risk-taking, and persistent.

21-28 points:

You are 30-39 years old. You're still active and ambitious, but you're also responsible and thoughtful. You have seen a lot in life and have made some conclusions.

29-35 points:

You are 40-49 years old. Mature and experienced, you know how to live your life.

36-40 points:

You are over 50 years old. You are wise and calm. You know life and appreciate comfort.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA published an optical illusion that will tell you whether you are gullible or ambitious.

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