
Four women in the picture, but only the most attentive will see them: a complex optical illusion

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Oleh Shupliak's double doors will make you strain your brain

Doublets are a special type of visual puzzles that make the brain work especially hard. At first glance, you see a single image in the picture, but as soon as you look closely, hidden elements begin to appear.

These are the images created by Ukrainian artist Oleg Shupliak. For example, in this graphic work, you see a young woman in a light transparent dress fixing a strand of her lush hair. But turn on your powers of observation, and you will gradually see three more women hidden in the image.

Try to find all the characters in the picture in 6 seconds. If you fail, continue to admire the image until you find all the correct answers.

This is exactly the purpose of Oleg Shuplyak's dvovzory (his own term, by the way). He wants people to pay more attention to paintings, learn to look at them, admire them, and look for hidden meanings. At the same time, it helps to develop observation and attention to detail. Thus, these paintings bring not only aesthetic pleasure but also practical benefits.

If you can't find all the women in this image, take a look at the hint below. On it, all the hidden heroines of the painting are circled.

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