
The harvest will triple: what to feed gooseberries bushes in the fall

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Proper care of gooseberries in the fall will make them more fruitful

Gooseberries themselves are rather sour berries, but they can be made sweeter and more fragrant with proper plant care, which includes fall fertilization.

OBOZ.UA sought advice from experienced gardeners on the type of feeding gooseberries need in the fall. Here are their tips:

Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers work well for the plant, enriching the soil with nutrients and improving its drainage. Fresh manure can be used, typically at a rate of 5 kilograms per bush, which should be mixed with the soil. Another option is a mixture of humus and wood ash, with 1 kg of this mixture being sufficient for one plant.

Mineral Fertilizers

Ready-made mineral fertilizers, such as a combination of superphosphate and potassium chloride, can be used. Mix these substances in equal proportions and apply them in dry form, using one tablespoon of the mixture per bush. The wet autumn and winter weather will gradually help the fertilizer penetrate the soil through water.

Another beneficial option for gooseberries is a combination of nitrogenium and urea. You can prepare a solution for irrigation by mixing two tablespoons of nitrogenium and one urea in a bucket of water. To prevent the useful liquid from evaporating unnecessarily, it's a good idea to cover the soil around the plant with mulch, such as sawdust, hay, spruce branches, and so on.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA provided information about the need to fertilize fruit trees in the fall for increased fertility.

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