
The easiest pie with jam for tea: sharing the recipe for the dough

Iryna Melnichenko
Iryna MelnichenkoLife
Pie Recipe
Pie Recipe. Source: Screenshot from Instagram video

The best treat for tea is a homemade pie. They can be made out of dough and pita bread, as well as poured. You can use berries, cottage cheese, and fruit as toppings.

Delicious cake for tea
Delicious cake for tea

Culinarian Maria shared on Instagram a recipe for a delicious and very easy-to-make jam pie.

The pie recipe
The pie recipe


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • kefir - 250 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • flour - 400g +- 30g (2 pcs.270 ml)
  • soda - 0,5 tsp.
  • butter - 100 ml
  • vanilla - 16 grams
  • jam (berries, fruits) - 250-300 gr.

Method of preparation:

1. Beat the eggs with the mixer with all the sugar, add the butter and mix well with the mixer. Add the baking soda to the warm kefir, stir and pour the kefir into the eggs and mix well with a mixer.


Preparing the dough


3. Add the sifted flour, knead the dough with a spatula.

Pie Dough


4. Cover the form with parchment, lay out half of the dough, put the jam on top and the other part of the dough again and smooth it out well.

Preparing the pie.


5. Bake for 40 minutes at 160-170 C.

Prepared pie with jam.

Also on OBOZREVATEL you can read the recipes:

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