
Sowing calendar for February: what seedlings to sow and when

Yulia PoteriankoLife
In February, it's time to prepare seedlings

February immediately precedes spring, and this is the month when gardeners begin active preparations for the sowing season. In particular, this is the month to start growing seedlings so that they are strong enough to grow by the time it gets warm.

The lunar sowing calendar can help you plan your gardening work properly. OBOZ.UA tells you which days in February 2024 will be successful and which will be unsuccessful and for which types of work.

Crops to sow for seedlings

In February, the seeds of crops that take a long time to sprout begin to be planted in the ground. This gives them enough time to germinate and grow stronger. These crops include:

  • sweet peppers;
  • late-ripening tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • cabbage
  • celery
  • greens
  • radish
  • onions.

The last month of winter is also suitable for germinating flower seeds. So it's time to take care of containers, soil, and fertilizers for seedlings.

Sowing calendar for February by day

  • February 1 is a good day to prepare seeds for planting in the ground, rooting, fertilizing, watering plants, loosening the soil, and sowing flowers, herbs, and radishes.
  • February 2-3 is the time to sow flowers, radishes, and various types of herbs and fertilize the plants.
  • On February 4-5 and 6, before lunchtime, you can treat for pests and diseases.
  • The second half of February 6, the 7th and 8th until dusk - transplanting plants, protecting them from diseases and pests, sowing radishes and flowers.
  • February 8-9 - preventive spraying against infections and pests.
  • February 10 is the day of the New Moon, an unfavorable day for gardening.
  • February 11 and February 12, before dusk, are good times to sow vegetables for seedlings, loosen the soil, and water the plants.
  • The afternoon of February 12, February 13, and February 14 until dusk are not good for any work.
  • The evening of February 14, 15-16 is the perfect time to put any seeds in the ground.
  • February 17-18 - sow ampelous and climbing flowers, prune trees.
  • February 19-20, the 21st until dusk - soaking seeds and sowing any plants, as well as watering, will be successful.
  • The evening of February 21, 22-23 - you can only carry out pest control and loosening of the soil, for the rest of the work, the time is not good.
  • February 24 is a full moon day, an unfavorable time for any work on the ground.
  • February 25, February 26, until dusk - digging and loosening the soil, fertilizing, pest control.
  • The evening of February 26, 27-28 is a good time for any sowing.
  • February 29 is a good day for soaking and sowing seeds.

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