How to permanently get rid of cockroaches: tips for housewives
Although cockroaches are no longer such a widespread problem, you can still see them in your home from time to time. Therefore, you still need to know how to deal with them.
House Beautiful turned to professionals to give their advice on this matter. And it has compiled step-by-step instructions on how to remove these pests.
Seal dark bottlenecks
Cockroaches like to settle in small, dark nooks and crannies, such as baseboards. You can find their nests deep in kitchen cabinets, in attics or basements, and behind the refrigerator. If you notice the pests in your home, inspect all such places and repair any cracks or holes where they may be hiding.
Check cardboard boxes and electronics
If you keep boxes of parcels or large purchases such as appliances in your pantry or elsewhere, check them as well. Cockroaches like corrugated cardboard as a comfortable habitat and can build their nests there.
They also feel quite comfortable inside household appliances because it is dark and warm. Televisions, computers, etc. can shelter these pests. This also applies to appliances in storage.
Buy outdoor lighting to protect against insects
If you live in a private home, it makes sense to replace your outdoor light bulbs with insect-proof bulbs. They are less attractive to these creatures due to the slightly different wavelength they emit. Insects do not see it and do not pay as much attention to such a house.
Immediately destroy any eggs you see
Inside the ootheca, that is, the capsule that contains cockroach eggs, there can be several dozen nymphs - the young individuals of this pest. And they mature very quickly, sometimes even in a matter of hours. That is why cockroaches reproduce so rapidly. And that's why it's important to exterminate oothecae immediately after you find them.
Place insect traps where cockroaches cannot resist them
Traps that contain cockroach poison can be very effective if placed correctly. Place such traps in places where these insects like to settle. But if they don't help, you'll still have to call for professional help.
Call an exterminator
The best way to solve a cockroach problem is to call in the professionals. They know better where to look for the roots of the problem and use really effective products. But that doesn't mean you don't need to make your own pest control efforts. It's always more effective to fight the problem together.
Take preventive measures
To ensure that cockroaches don't just disappear, but don't even appear in your home, you need to take certain preventive measures. First of all, limit the conditions that can attract these pests.
- Store food, prepared meals, and even food waste in closed containers. This includes pet food.
- Remove crumbs and small debris immediately after cooking.
- Try to keep your home tidy so that cockroaches do not have convenient and safe nooks and crannies to settle in.
- Trim the trees and bushes near the house so that they provide better access to air and sunlight, which cockroaches do not like very much.
Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told how to get rid of ants in the house with a simple product.
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