
How to grow a lemon tree from seed at home: it's easier than it sounds

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Even before the home lemon begins to bear fruit, it will delight with flowers

The lemon tree is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and is also credited with the ability to harmonize the energy in the home. If you don't believe in subtlety, this plant will still delight you with its elegant appearance and beautiful white flowers with an incredibly delicate aroma. And with proper care, it will also bear fruit.

Homes and Gardens assures you that you can grow a lemon tree from seed at home. It is quite simple. Seeds from a fruit you bought in a store will do the trick. It is worth remembering that not all seeds in purchased lemons are viable, so it may not work out the first time.

Ideally, lemon seeds should be sown in April, but this is not a rule. You can put the seed in the ground at any time of the year. The main thing is to provide the pot with access to light and warmth.

For planting a lemon tree, choose only large and whole seeds that do not look wrinkled or damaged. Check the selected seeds for viability by placing them in a glass of water. Those that sink rather than float can be planted. It is better to take 5 good seeds to increase your chances of success.

Before planting in the ground, clean the seeds from the mucous coating as it contains sugars that can cause rotting. To do this, wash the seeds under the tap or suck on them like a lollipop until the lemon flavor disappears.

Some experts advise rubbing the hard shell of the stone with sandpaper or carefully cutting it with a clerical knife, or even removing it altogether to speed up germination. This step is entirely up to you. How long can you want to wait for the sprouts to appear?

Do not allow the seeds to dry out; they must remain moist to germinate. If you don't plan to plant them right away, keep them in a glass of water or wrap them in a damp paper towel until you are ready to plant them.

Choose a small pot with plenty of drainage. The best choice is an earthenware vessel that allows moisture to escape through the walls and allows air to pass through. This way you keep the roots from rotting.

To grow a lemon tree, you can purchase special soil, or you can take a universal mixture and enrich it with vermiculite, perlite, and organic fertilizers. Before planting, the soil should be moistened, and then seeds should be placed in it to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Next, place the pot in a warm and well-lit place, such as a windowsill, and make sure that the soil never dries out.

You can also germinate lemons on paper towels. To do this, peel the seeds from the outer hard shell and place them on a paper towel at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other, and then cover them with another towel. Next, the ends of both pieces of paper should be folded down to form a kind of package and sprayed with a spray bottle until the paper is damp. After that, place the seeds and towels in a ziplock bag or a makeshift greenhouse made of a plastic cup, which should be open to light and air.

The greenhouse should be in a warm place. Make sure the towels do not dry out daily. If the water begins to evaporate, spray them again.

After germination, open the bag and take out the towels. When the sprouts reach a height of 3-4 cm, plant them in a pot.

A lemon tree grown from a seed can start bearing fruit in about 5-6 years. But it will bloom much earlier.

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