
How to feed currants in November: tips for a good harvest

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Proper feeding and care will ensure a good currant harvest in the next season

Currants, unlike probably any other berry crop, require high-quality fertilization. This affects the flavor and juiciness of their berries, and conversely, with insufficient nutrients, they become too sour. So, it's essential to take care of the plant before the winter season so that it can wake up in the spring and develop well.

OBOZ.UA consulted experts on how to properly fertilize currants in November and what care it need at this time.

How to choose fertilizers for currants

In November, it's time to use ready-made mineral fertilizers that will quickly saturate the soil around the currant bushes with nutrients. The best choice here is superphosphate, which should be applied at a rate of 30 grams per bush.

Another option, rich in the phosphorus necessary for the berries, is phosphate rock. It is already prepared for application in the proportion of 40 grams per plant.

Don't forget to add potassium as well. Currants respond well to potassium magnesium, and it will be enough to use 20 grams per bush.

How to care for currants in November

At the end of the season, berry bushes need to be pruned because overly dense branches can significantly reduce the quality of the crop. First and foremost, remove old, damaged, and diseased branches. Also, ensure that the remaining shoots are positioned correctly, forming a bowl-like shape.

It's also important to collect all fallen leaves and remove dried weeds. They can become a comfortable breeding ground for pathogens and pests, so it's best to take them out of the garden. However, it's a good idea to mulch the soil around the bushes to help retain moisture in the soil and inhibit weed growth in the spring.

Continuing to water the currants in November is crucial. The water should be warm to avoid freezing the roots. And, of course, treat the plant for pests and diseases with appropriate chemicals.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA guided how to properly care for raspberries in the fall.

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