
How to clean dirty pots and pans without scratching them: grandmother's method

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The cleaning method requires no effort and is suitable even for cast iron

A frying pan or pot left unattended on the stove can lead to such an unpleasant problem as soot. Food sticks to the bottom and walls very strongly. As a rule, to get rid of its traces completely, you have to soak and rub the dishes for a long time, making an effort.

But, as OBOZREVATEL found out, there is a much easier way to solve the problem. It was shared on TikTok by Anne Caserta, an expert in life hacks for all occasions, who has a profile under the name @_ceo_of_randomness. (To watch the video, scroll down to the end of the news)

According to her, this advice was given to her by her grandmother. The cleaning life hack can even cope with stubborn stains of burnt fat. All you need is water and a little soap. Your usual dishwashing detergent will do just fine.

Fill the dirty dish with water and add a few drops of soap. Put the dish on the stove and heat it so that the soapy water slowly boils for a few minutes. All that remains after that is to cool the object, rinse it under running water, and wipe it off. The dirt will come off very easily, and there will be no scratches on the inside of the pan or pot.

In the comments, Ann gave separate advice on cleaning cast iron cookware. According to her, this life hack is also suitable for it, but after cleaning, you will need to wipe the vessel very well and then carefully rub a few drops of vegetable oil on the inner surface.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to easily and effortlessly dissolve all the dirt in the microwave.

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