
How often should you wash your hair to keep it healthy? A trichologist and a celebrity hairdresser gave an unexpected answer

Kateryna MalayLife
Hair can be washed every day if you do not use a hair dryer and styling products

Cleansing the scalp is a simple but individualized process. Some beauties have to wash their hair every day due to excessive sweat and sebum, while others need to do it once a week. However, there are universal tips that are useful for anyone who wants healthy and well-groomed hair. Despite the popular myth that strands get dirty faster if they are washed frequently, trichologists insist on the opposite.

Their words were reported by the journalists of Elle magazine. It turns out that there are more advantages than disadvantages to cleansing your scalp every day.

Anabelle Kingsley, a trichologist and consultant at Philip Kingsley, emphasized that daily shampooing is the best thing you can do for healthy hair growth. According to the expert, cleansing the scalp is no different from facial care.

"I always like to compare hair care routines to skin care routines. Could you leave makeup on your face and not wash your face for two or three days?" the expert asked.

However, there are exceptions, said celebrity hairstylist Helen Reavey. Washing your hair does more good than harm if you don' t use a hairdryer and styling products every day. If you can't do without them, it's better not to stress your strands every day.

For those beauties who need to style their hair frequently, trichologists recommend washing their hair every 2-3 days. But this process should not be delayed, as the accumulation of dirt on the head can cause dandruff and poor hair growth.

"Dead skin, dirt, and sweat can contribute to weakening of the hair, which can cause poor growth. Regular washing also helps to moisturize the hair," the expert added.

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