Full moon will turn your life upside down: who can expect major changes in July. Horoscope
The full moon in July will occur at the very beginning of the month, at 2:39 p.m. Kyiv time on the 3rd. It will be observed in the Capricorn constellation, where it will oppose the Sun in Cancer. This means a heightened level of awareness, both with the mind and the heart. We will be given cosmic cues and tools to integrate them.
Astrologers have analyzed the cosmic environment for this full moon and given recommendations and predictions for all zodiac signs.
Your vocation is very important to you. You don't do what you are told to do, but what you are most skilled at. It's about your personal values and where your talents lie. The full moon will show that you may have reached a critical point in your calling. It's a moment when you can decide if you see new heights you want to conquer, or if you feel you have yet to reach your goals. Or maybe you feel it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work and labor. Or maybe it's all of the above. You deserve it.
Your beliefs are so strong that you can not only take inspiration from them, but also share them with others. The full moon in July encourages you to do something productive with this talent of yours. Perhaps you have something to teach others, and you could formalize the process with a workshop. Or maybe you're willing to take someone under your wing as a mentor. Another good option is to start a professional blog or podcast. Whatever it is, don't let your talent and gift go to waste.
You may think the main thing in your life right now is intelligence or charisma, but the full moon will show that what really draws people to you is your vulnerability and your ability to open your heart to them. Use it to speak up about what's important to you. Just be who you are, say what you think, and don't hide how you feel. Don't be afraid of the feelings that arise at this lunar time. This is the path to your healing.
Your huge heart can accommodate many people, you are able to show incredible empathy and put yourself in other people's shoes. The full moon will highlight this unique talent. Use your empathy to bridge the gaps between people, including yourself and others. Don't look for faults or criticize yourself. This is a time of compassion and understanding. Anyone can fail, it's part of life. It's important to have someone to lean on in that moment. When you accept that, you can move on.
You have a knack for spotting real wonder in the ordinary and putting a positive spin on absolute drabness. During a full moon, look at your life in a new light. How can you bring more joy to each day? Can you find a new perspective on old things? Yes, things can be exactly as they seem at first glance, i.e without any magic component. At any rate, your ability to appreciate joy stays with you. Create more miracles. It will benefit you first and foremost.
Start sharing your creativity with the world. It's time to put aside your fears and insecurities, no matter how significant they may seem to you at first. You're not one of those signs known for your thirst for the spotlight, but this full moon encourages you to think the following way. Isn't it time to try to change that? If you were given a gift box, would you leave it wrapped? How would you use it then? There aren't many options, are there? Don't be the gift you left in the box. It's time to shine.
You are so attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others that you often put their needs above your own. But it's time to pay attention to yourself as well. Don't you need to feel calm and secure? Yes, it may not be easy and it requires work, but it's how you see your own desires and your own way. Plus, it's the only way to get the love you deserve. Be kinder and gentler to yourself.
You possess a sharp and cunning mind. The July full moon urges you to trust it as much as possible. Rely on your mind and don't doubt yourself or others. Ask yourself what is harder for you: trusting yourself or trusting those around you. If you always expect someone to disappoint you, they probably will. But what if they don't? Stop torturing yourself with calculating your options. You have enough strength to go through whatever fate has in store for you anyway.
There are people who are born to be bold and brave, and you are one of them. On a full moon, remind yourself of this. Why do you play it safe when your soul calls for you to go all-in? Why are you afraid to take the place you deserve? Don't ignore your gifts and talents. This is not a time for shyness, but a time for self-assertion. Don't let the fear of failure or worries about the lack of something in your life live that very life. You won't be able to repeat your path, so be determined and don't be put off.
A full moon in July is no time for you to hide in the shadows. Boldly and proudly declare who you are and what makes you special. Praise yourself, tell others what it is about yourself that you are most proud of. Give yourself a sincere compliment, give yourself a gift. Any positive reinforcement will do you good. Don't do it for self-improvement, but out of pure self-love. It may not seem easy to you, but once you learn how to do it, your life will change magically.
You're worried about whether you should share your thoughts with the world. No more worries, as the full moon will show you that you should. You somehow diminish your importance and your ability to give people good ideas. Meanwhile, you are outranked by those who don't have half your talent. Yes, you want to avoid failure, rejection and disappointment. But this caution has caused you to be stuck in one place. It's time for you to start moving forward, so try a different approach to yourself. It won't be easy at first, but then you'll feel like a much happier person.
When you're filled with hope and inspiration, you turn into a ray, lighting the way for everyone around you and giving you energy. Your job during July's full moon is to remind yourself that you are a beacon to others as long as you yourself believe it. Just act on your values and be a good friend to yourself and others. Do what you can to keep your inner sense of happiness and don't limit your imagination.
Previously OBOZREVATEL published a horoscope for July for all zodiac signs.
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