
First images of the disappeared Tartesse people found: scientists declare a sensation

Alina MilsentLife
Scientists find images of the ancient Tartesse people

Archaeologists have made an incredible discovery, discovering traces of the Tartesse people for the first time. This has radically changed the understanding of the ancient civilisation that lived in the territory of modern Spain, in the south-western region of the Iberian Peninsula.

The excavations were carried out in Cassas del Turunyuelo. Archaeologists found a sanctuary used for animal sacrifice. The first images of the disappeared Tartesse people were also found there. The details were reported by Heritage Daily.

The Tartesse people combined local Paleo-Spanish and Phoenician features. The Tartessians had their own language, were engaged in metallurgy and metal processing. Bronze products had a complex and interesting design. Scientists have discovered shallow pans, plates, fibulae, and belt buckles.

The Tartesse worshipped the masculine and feminine: the goddess Astarte and the god Baal. Probably, this religion was "brought" from Phoenician trading ports.

The sensational discovery of archaeologists was reported by the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). Ancient reliefs depicting the Tartesse people were discovered in Casas del Turunyuelo. According to preliminary estimates, they date back to the 5th century BC.


The reliefs have female features. Archaeologists say they can be interpreted as images of gods. Several of the reliefs have been badly damaged over time, but one of them shows the features of a warrior.

The Tartessians used to be considered representatives of the aniconic culture. That is, these people personified divinity through animal and plant motifs or sacred stones - betelnuts.

Currently, there is very little information about the Tartesse people, so scientists will continue excavations to unravel the mystery of the ancient civilisation.


As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, scientists have shown the face of one of the oldest Homo sapiens, who lived 30,000 years ago.

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