
Determine your personality type: this optical illusion will reveal your main traits

Yulia PoteriankoLife
An optical illusion will help you determine which hemisphere of your brain dominates: creative or pragmatic

In psychology, several personality typologies help professionals and people understand themselves better. To determine your type, you need to take a test and talk to a specialist. However, some details can be learned even from quick tests on the Internet. In particular, from optical illusions.

OBOZ.UA publishes such an optical illusion. To determine your personality type, you need to look at a picture with two faces and choose the one that seems happier to you. What you choose depends on certain features of your brain. So, look at the picture and choose the face that looks happier to you.

Option A

You are probably dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain. This indicates that you are a down-to-earth person, approaching everything from a practical point of view and thinking realistically. You favor reason over emotion. Your mainstay in life is logic. You are also able to think critically. You like to look at things from different angles to come to the right conclusions and never doubt your own rightness.

Option B

You are ruled by the right hemisphere, which is creative and emotional. You like to be creative in your life. Your opinions are often subjective and based on your personal experience and powerful intuition. You love to express yourself and try to create something new out of everything you get your hands on. People are impressed by your unbridled imagination and ability to see things from an unusual angle.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA published an optical illusion that will help you determine what kind of friend you are.

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